
Friday, February 5, 2016

Hear Me by Viv Daniels

Hear Me



I really enjoyed Hear Me.  It is the perfect book to read during the cold winter months.  There is adventure, magic, romance, and great world-building.  It's pretty short and I would have liked it to be longer, but I think that just shows how much I was enjoying the story.
And just look at that cover!  Wowza. 
I'd recommend this book to anyone who loves paranormal romance, or even those who like fantasy and want to dip their toes into the romance genre.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for sending me a copy to review.

Riding Steele, by Opal Carew

Riding Steele 


22456991Being kidnapped by bikers is a harrowing experience, but for some reason, Laurie doesn’t feel as terrified as she should.  The leader’s steely eyes soften when he looks at her, and the others in his gang clearly know she’s hands off.  But does that include Steele's hands?  Her brain resists him, but her body insists she wants those big hands all over her.

Steele doesn’t know how he wound up in this mess—with a kidnapped woman on his hands and the police hot on their trail.  Now he and Laurie are in hiding at an isolated cabin, and Steele has to figure out how to extricate himself...and steer clear of his accidental captive whose tight, slinky clubbing attire is making him think all kinds of dangerous thoughts…

Hoo boy, do I have Problems with this book. 

Laurie is just getting out of a bad relationship with a controlling, abusive man.  She is kidnapped by a motorcycle gang, tied up, and spends the next few days with Steele chasing after her and trying to get into her pants.  Not to mention getting his buddies in her pants, too.  That would all be fine, if she were a woman who knew what she wanted and stood firm about things she doesn't want.  She spends the entire book being unsure of herself and what she wants and just giving in to Steele.  No, she doesn't really want to let his buddies have their way with her, but oh if that's what you want Steele. 

And what about birth control and STDs?  Has no one ever heard of those things?

I don't mind reading books with sharing-is-caring characters, but I do mind when the character being shared is unsure about it.  And I absolutely mind when the asshole jerk knows it but goes ahead anyway because she hasn't actually said no.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the free review copy.

It's Complicated by L.A. Witt

It's Complicated


After their umpteenth breakup, Brad Sweeney and Jeff Hayden are living apart and starting over from scratch. The morning after a promising first date, they’re more optimistic than ever that they can make it work this time . . . until Jeff’s ex-wife and business partner calls to announce she’s pregnant with Jeff’s baby. Brad’s already competing with a demanding business for Jeff’s time. Now there’s a baby on the way, and worse, he’s afraid Jeff is still carrying a torch for the woman who’s carrying his child.

Jeff is desperately trying to keep his life together, but before he can even get his head around the news that he’s going to be a father, his ex announces that she wants to leave Tucker Springs. Now he either has to take over her role at the shop while ferrying the baby back and forth from Denver, or move the business—and himself—with her.

Brad and Jeff knew reconciliation wouldn’t be easy, but they’re rapidly running out of room for compromise. And sooner or later, something has to give.

*Free review copy provided by the publisher and Netgalley*

I'm afraid I didn't care for this book very much.  I'm not a fan of characters who can't make up their minds if they love each other or not, and I really dislike when two characters can't be bothered to communicate.  I spent so much time being frustrated by Jeff and Brad that I barely noticed other details.   
If those things don't bother you then you'll probably enjoy the book.  As for me, I'm just hoping they don't have many appearances in future books.

The River Leith, by Leta Blake

The River Leith


Memory is everything.

After an injury in the ring, amateur boxer Leith Wenz wakes to discover his most recent memories are three years out of date. Unmoored and struggling to face his new reality, Leith must cope anew with painful revelations about his family. His brother is there to support him, but it’s the unfamiliar face of Zach, a man introduced as his best friend, that provides the calm he craves. Until Zach’s presence begins to stir up feelings Leith can’t explain.

For Zach, being forgotten by his lover is excruciating. He carefully hides the truth from Leith to protect them both from additional pain. His bottled-up turmoil finds release through vlogging, where he confesses his fears and grief to the faceless Internet. But after Leith begins to open up to him, Zach's choices may come back to haunt him.

Ultimately, Leith must ask his heart the questions memory can no longer answer.

I had a difficult time deciding what to make of this one.   On one hand, the author did a great job showing the confusion and loss that Leith's injury gave to not just him, but his friends and family.  I loved the interactions between them and I loved the angst between Leith and Zach.  And Zach....well, I didn't love him.  It took me a while to warm up to him as a character.  Some of his actions made me want to smack him.  Still, I think things wrapped up nicely and I ended up liking it quite a bit toward the end.  

Free review copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley

The Strange And Beautiful Sorrows Of Ava Lavender, by Leslye Walton

The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender



I read this book a while ago and I couldn't begin to formulate a review.  It was beautiful and lyrical and I loved every minute of it.  Because it took me so long to review I can't quite remember all of the details, but I still remember how beautiful it was and how much feeling the author put into every word.  It is a tragic story of love and loss, of family and the wounds we all carry and pass down through the generations.
It's one that has stuck with me even though there have been many months, and many books, in between.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for sending me a free copy for review.

Goals For 2016

Well, it's a new year again.  I'm not one for making least not anymore.  Too many times I have made resolutions and had nothing to show for it at the end of the year and so I gave up.

So this year I have goals (which is really just a resolution in disguise).  I am going to do my best to meet these goals, but if I don't make it I'm going to congratulate myself for trying and plan to do better in the future.

Since no one wants to hear about weight loss or job searching, I'll focus on craft and reading related goals.

  1. Read and review at least half of the Netgalley books I've requested.
  2. Finish a few of my knitting projects, starting with my Winter Is Coming Scarf
  3. Finish writing one of my stories
  4. Finish more paintings
  5. Start a craft/art blog
  6. Re-read The Lord Of The Rings

So, what are your goals for the year?