
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Gravedigger's Brawl by Abigail Roux

The Gravedigger's Brawl

by Abigail Roux

Dr. Wyatt Case is never happier than when he’s walking the halls of his history museum. Playing wingman for his best friend at Gravedigger’s Tavern throws him way out of his comfort zone, but not as much as the eccentric man behind the bar, Ash Lucroix.

Ash is everything Wyatt doesn’t understand: exuberant, quirky, and elbow deep in a Gaslight lifestyle that weaves history into everyday life. He coordinates his suspenders with his tongue rings. Within hours, Wyatt and Ash are hooked.

But strange things are afoot at Gravedigger’s, and after a knock to the head, Ash starts seeing things that can’t be explained by old appliances or faulty wiring. Soon everyone at Gravedigger’s is wondering if they’re seeing ghosts, or just going crazy. The answer to that question could end more than just Wyatt and Ash’s fragile relationship—it might also end their lives.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley.

Everything about this book was right up my alley.  There was history, ghosts, creepy buildings, hot men in steampunk-ish outfits, and a good amount of humor.  The plot took a back seat to the characters, but even so the plot was well-developed and interesting.  There was a lot of information gathering and uncovering mysteries.  I loved every bit of it.
 Ash was a very interesting character.  He dresses like someone who just walked out of the Victorian times (except for the tongue ring) and tends bar with the flair of a circus performer.  On top of that, he's sweet and has a mischievous nature.  He was my favorite of all the characters, though they all were well-written.
The thing I loved most about the book was that it had so much atmosphere.  Throughout the entire book I felt as though I could imagine the streets and the tavern vividly.  The creepy museum, the Victorian inspired tavern, the streets in autumn...everything described in such amazing detail.  
I will definitely be looking for more from this author. 

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